Oleme enda kodus elanud juba peaaegu kaks aastat. Sisustades on meil üks kindel reegel, soetame just täpselt sellised asjad nagu me soovime - isegi kui selle leidmiseks kulub rohkem aega. Tegelikult on väga põnev kogu see sisustamise maailm. Leidub väga palju huvitavaid poode ja kodulehti, kus päris tihti leian enda aega veetmas.
Mõned nädalad tagasi sai välja valitud seintele pildid. Kuna valik oli tõesti suur, siis otsuse tegemine võttis omajagu aega. Elutoaga oli mul visioon paigas, et pildil peavad olema taimed. Hetkel olen ka valimas päris taime, mis tooks tuppa hubasust ja kodutunnet. Puudu on ka mõned väiksemad detailid, kuid me pigem järgime reeglit - less is more.
Melany valis enda pildid ise välja. Kuna ta on suur loomasõber, siis polnud mul kahtlustki, et üks neist tuleb koera pilt 😊 Teisele seinale olen riiuli otsingul, kuid ma ei taha lihtsat riiulit. See peaks olema midagi erilisemat ja pisut teistmoodi. Selline, mida ma sõnadega ei oskagi seletada, aga eks ta ühel päeval mulle kusagil poes silma hakkab.
Lähenesime huumoriga tualetti tuleva pildiga. Saate piltidelt ise lugeda 😃 Selle kasuks otsustamine osutus ka päris naljakaks. Nagu ma eelnevalt ütlesin, piltide valik on väga suur ning juhuslikult olime me mehega vaadanud seda sama pilti. Nagu kuidas on see võimalik! Ega ilmaasjata öelda, et paarid kes elavad koos, hakkavad ühtmoodi mõtlema. Me ikka päris tihti oleme hämmingus, kuidas on võimalik samal ajal samale asjale mõelda...
Aga sellised meie toad siis osaliselt välja näevad. Mul tuleb veel valida pildid meie magamistoa seinale seega ma ilmselt teen meie kodust postitusi ka tulevikus.
Seniks ilusat päeva!
We have been living in our home for almost two years now. While decorating, we have one rule, we choose exactly those items what we want - even if it takes more time to find it. Actually the world of furnishing and decorating is very exciting. There are a lot of interesting shops and websites where I often find myself spending time.
A few weeks ago I picked out some pictures to our walls. Because of that the selection was quite big, making decisions took some time. With the living room I had a vision of having plants in the picture. At the moment I am choosing a real plant that would bring more cosiness and more home feeling to the room. There are also some minor details we need but we rather follow the rule - less is more.
Melany picked her own pictures. Because she is a big fan of animals, I had no doubt that one of them would be a dog´s picture 😊 On the other wall I´m looking for a shelf, but I don´t want a simple shelf. It should be something special and a bit different. Something that I can´t explain with words but it´s gonna hit me somewhere in the shop someday.
We approached with humor picking the picture for the toilet. You can read it on the picture yourself 😃 Deciding on this was pretty funny. As I said before the choise of pictures is very large and we randomly watched the same picture with my man. Like how it´s possible! It´s said that couples who live together are thinking the same way. We often wonder how come that we think about the same thing at the same time...
But now you saw how our rooms partly look like. I still need a picture to our bedroom wall so I might make more posts about our home in the future.
Until that, have a beautiful day!
We have been living in our home for almost two years now. While decorating, we have one rule, we choose exactly those items what we want - even if it takes more time to find it. Actually the world of furnishing and decorating is very exciting. There are a lot of interesting shops and websites where I often find myself spending time.
A few weeks ago I picked out some pictures to our walls. Because of that the selection was quite big, making decisions took some time. With the living room I had a vision of having plants in the picture. At the moment I am choosing a real plant that would bring more cosiness and more home feeling to the room. There are also some minor details we need but we rather follow the rule - less is more.
Melany picked her own pictures. Because she is a big fan of animals, I had no doubt that one of them would be a dog´s picture 😊 On the other wall I´m looking for a shelf, but I don´t want a simple shelf. It should be something special and a bit different. Something that I can´t explain with words but it´s gonna hit me somewhere in the shop someday.
We approached with humor picking the picture for the toilet. You can read it on the picture yourself 😃 Deciding on this was pretty funny. As I said before the choise of pictures is very large and we randomly watched the same picture with my man. Like how it´s possible! It´s said that couples who live together are thinking the same way. We often wonder how come that we think about the same thing at the same time...
But now you saw how our rooms partly look like. I still need a picture to our bedroom wall so I might make more posts about our home in the future.
Until that, have a beautiful day!