Wool coat
esmaspäev, 21. jaanuar 2019coat - Lindex, trousers - Lindex, boots - Pull&Bear, bag - Lindex |
Jaanuar on varsti läbi saamas, kuid siit tuleb alles minu esimene selle aasta postitus. Ma loodan, et teie aasta on alanud kenasti. Nagu näha siis minu oma on alanud väga toimekalt, pole isegi enda arvutit saanud avada. Ma seekord pikka juttu ei kirjuta, vaid mõne sõnaga enda outfitist.
Selle ilusa roheka villase mantli leidsin ma Lindexist, mis ei ole muidugi mingi üllatus neile kes mind teavad :) Enamus mu garderoobist on pärit just sealt. Aga see mantel on tõesti mõnus ja annab natuke värvi meie hallidesse ilmadesse. Juhuslikult proovisin poes neid musti pükse ning need istusid mulle jalga ideaalselt. Kahjuks ei ole piltidelt neid täpselt näha, kuid nii mugavaid pükse pole mul juba ammu olnud. Kõigele lisaks on need hetkel veel allahindluses. Üks asi veel, ma ei ole tegelikult üldse mütsi inimene aga väljas on lihtsalt nii külm.
Praegu ütlen tsau ning juba neljapäeval tuleb üks magus postitus...! ;)
January is about to end but here is my first post this year. I hope your year has started well. As you can see, mine has started very fast, I have not had a moment to open my computer. This time I will not write a long story, but with a few words about my outfit.
I found this beautiful green wool coat from Lindex, which is of course no surprise to those who know me :) Most of my wordrobe comes from there. But this coat is really nice and gives a little color to our gray weather. Randomly, I tried these black trousers in the store and they suited perfectly. Unfortunately these pictures don´t tell how they look but I have not had such comfortable pants for a long time. After all they are on the sale. And one more thing, I´m not a hat person but it´s so cold outside.
I am telling ciao for now and on Thursday there will be a sweet post...! ;)